Dancing Through the Winter with Lillee Chavedo – Presented by Eskridge

Westmoore’s Lillee Chavedo By Chris Dietrich VYPE: What inspired you to join Winter Guard? Lillee Chavedo: My mom joined it when she was in high school. VYPE: What is the story of your show? Name and song? LC: Whenever someone tears us down, we build ourselves back up. Rise – Skyscraper by Demi Lovato. VYPE: […]
Norman North’s Lakyn Farrington Talks Wrestling – Presented by Landers

VYPE: What grade are you currently in and how long have you been wrestling? Lakyn Farrington: I’m a sophomore and this is my second year of wrestling. VYPE: Are you involved in any other clubs or groups? LF: I am a member of the Shelton Wrestling Academy. VYPE: Who has been a big influence in […]
9 Questions with Southmoore’s Logan Kretchmar – Presented by Eskridge

VYPE: How long have you competed in swim and what first got you interested in the sport? Logan Kretchmar: Eight years. I played baseball when I when I was younger. After stopping baseball, I tried swim on a limb and fell in love. VYPE: Do you have a favorite memory in your time competing for […]