Edmond North’s Rylee McLanahan Soccer Spotlight

lee McLanahan is a sophomore soccer player at Edmond North High School. She loves the game of soccer and has invested a lot of time and effort into becoming the player that she is. But she knows that you cannot be content with where you are, you have to keep improving. 

“It has taken a lot of hard work and dedication to become the player I am today,” she said. “A big part of my success is my love for soccer and that I have fallen in love with the process. I am always pushing myself to be better through hours and hours of unseen hard work every week.”

Throughout her life, there have been numerous people that have impacted her, both in athletics and in the classroom. 

“My dad has been one of the most influential people in my life. He is a big reason I am the person and player that I am today. He pushes me to be the best version of myself in all aspects of life, and I’m super thankful for everything he has done for me and all the opportunities he has given me to be successful throughout my soccer career. Also, Katie Almen, my freshman English teacher and the assistant soccer coach, has had a big impact on my life. She has been a mentor to me and is always there for me when I need someone to talk to. I look up to her, as she genuinely cares for me and I can go to her for anything.”

McLanahan has enjoyed making some great memories on the field and seeing her hard work pay off makes it that much better. 

“Some of the highlights of my career have been winning the ECNL National Championship and scoring a hat trick in the final,” she recalled. “Also a big highlight for me is being invited to USYNT camp.”

While she is thankful for all of her teammates that she competes alongside, there is one teammate that is really special to Rylee. 

“I really enjoy playing with and being on the same team as my sister, Hadley McLanahan,” she said. “It’s super cool that we get to play with each other for two years. We have a very good relationship off the field which I think really helps us play well together on the field.”