9 Questions with Norman’s Abby Carter – Presented by Orthodontic Specialists of Oklahoma

Abby Carter

Norman High School

VYPE: Abby, what age did you start playing softball?

Abby Carter: I’ve played softball since I was a little kid it was the first sport I ever played. I played softball and basketball my whole life but enjoyed softball much better going into high school and decided to only focus on softball. 

VYPE: What’s new about the softball team this season?
AC: The team this year acquired many new players which helped, along with the majority of older kids playing has created a much more in sync team allowing us to be more cooperative and competitive while playing. 

VYPE: Do you play other sports?
AC: Softball is the only sport I play. 

VYPE: What makes being a student-athlete at NHS special for you?
AC: Norman has many opportunities for student athletes, and I have never struggled in school while playing softball they give you study days and harp on the fact that your academic career is more important than softball. 

VYPE: Who or what inspires you?

AC: My parents have always been my biggest inspiration and supporters. They have always supported me in everything I’ve ever done and are the kind of people I want to be in life. 

VYPE: What’s it like playing for coach Wood?
AC: I’ve had coach Wood for all four years of high school his first year at Norman high was my freshman year. He is more than just a coach to most of us because you know he doesn’t just care about softball he cares about his players over everything else. I enjoy that he doesn’t just treat all of us like players but more like family. 

VYPE: Tell me about your teammates. What makes this group special?
AC: Most of my teammates at Norman High I’ve grown up with since elementary but even the ones that I didn’t grow up with feel like family everyone is always so happy to see each other and is excited every day to show up for one another.

VYPE: What is your dream scenario for this season and what are the plans for life after high school?

AC: My dream scenario for this year’s season is definitely to go to state. My plan for after high school is to become a radiologist hopefully here in Norman at Norman Regional. 

VYPE: What do you enjoy doing in your free time and how did you spend your summer?

AC: I enjoy fishing and going to the lake in my free time. My summer has been full of softball and showing up and hanging out with my teammates and friends has been my favorite part of the summer.