Lexington’s Tia Perry – FFA Spotlight – Presented by Oklahoma AgCredit

Lexington High School softball player Tia Perry is off to a great start this season as the team went 8-3 during the month of August. The right fielder said the season is going good. Another season Perry will spend a lot of time in is FFA. Perry is a member of the FFA chapter at LHS.

“I first got involved in agriculture in the third grade, and in 8th grade I was able to join my local FFA chapter. I would say my dad played a big part in getting me involved in agriculture and FFA. Whenever I was little, he bought my show pigs and pushed me to go to conferences and camps and overall be the best I could be,” said Perry.

For Perry, there are many things she loves about both FFA and softball.

“The thing I love most about FFA is the environment and meeting new people. Some of my best friends have come through camps and conferences and conventions and I always look forward to seeing them throughout the year,” Perry said. “I love the team the most. My teammates all push me to work hard, and we all have so much fun together. It really is a family.”

As a member of the FFA chapter, Perry participates in the chapter’s officer team as Vice President, livestock show team, livestock judging, speech, and quiz bowl. As a student, Perry is involved in student council, gifted and talented, and she is a member of the cheer team, slow pitch softball and manages the basketball team.

Perry said she looks up to the upperclassmen and the success they have experienced as members.

“The people I look up as an athlete are probably the upperclassmen. They all work very hard for their success, and I hope one day I can be successful like them. Away from school it’s probably my parents. They both push me to be the best person I can be and correct me when I’m doing wrong. They take me places I need to be and always are there to support me.”

Perry offers this advice to anyone interested in FFA.

“I would say do it! I love the association and their mission. It’s genuinely one of the best decisions I’ve made. You’ll have so much fun, meet so many new people, and learn lots of communication and leadership skills. Life is full of regrets, don’t let this be one of them,” said Perry.

Once her time at Lexington comes to an end, Perry plans to attend Oklahoma State University.