Norman North’s Lakyn Farrington Talks Wrestling – Presented by Landers 

VYPE: What grade are you currently in and how long have you been wrestling?

Lakyn Farrington: I’m a sophomore and this is my second year of wrestling.

VYPE: Are you involved in any other clubs or groups?

LF: I am a member of the Shelton Wrestling Academy.

VYPE: Who has been a big influence in your life and why?

LF: My mom is definitely my biggest influence in life, she has shown me how to push through things and always believes in me even when I don’t. I don’t know where I’d be without her, I owe a lot to my mom.

VYPE: What are your plans for after graduation?

LF: After I graduate, I plan on getting my real estate license and pursue a bachelor’s degree in business.

VYPE: What is your favorite subject in school and who is your favorite teacher?

LF: My favorite subject is math and Coach Jones is my favorite teacher, you know when you walk in his room you’re going to laugh.

VYPE: Name three people you would want with you in a zombie apocalypse.

LF: Coty Sessions, so I can be with my best friend, my dad because I know he isn’t scared of anything, and my brother because he is crazy.

VYPE: What is the funniest thing someone has ever said to you on the mat?

LF: No one really says anything, but it is pretty funny when I hear cussing under their breath mid match.

VYPE: What move took you the longest to master?

LF: My double leg has improved a lot this year, it isn’t quite mastered yet, but it definitely has helped me out the most.

VYPE: Who is the best opponent you have faced and how did it turn out?

LF: My best opponent I have faced has been myself, it’s just me versus me. I’m pushing to improve and grow every time I step on the mat.