VYPE caught up with the record breaker to get her thoughts on the season and what it was like competing and breaking records at the state meet.
VYPE: Kaida, what grade are you in and when did you start swimming competitively?
Kaida Bradley: I am in 11th grade, and I started swimming competitively at six years old.
VYPE: What events did you swim this season?
KB: I’ve swam the 200 and 500 freestyle for the past two years but this year I decided to mix it up and swim the 100 freestyle and 100 backstroke.
VYPE: What would you say is your strength in the pool and what have you worked to improve this season?
KB: A strength of mine is being able to finish strong on the back half of the race. A skill that I’ve worked really hard to improve recently is my underwaters of the walls.
VYPE: What was your trip to the state meet like?
KB: It was one of the best I’ve been at. It was so fun getting to race my friends and hang out with my team in the evening! High school state has an energy about it like no other meet!
VYPE: What teammate has impressed you this season?
KB: I’ve been impressed by my teammate Kennedy Richardson. She recently hurt her elbow, but she made the decision to tough it out and swim state. Even with an injured elbow our relay, including Kennedy, Abby Bass, Gabby Beck, and me, managed to break our relay record AGAIN. She’s an incredibly strong individual.
VYPE: Which teammate keeps everyone laughing and who is the most serious?
KB: My teammate Gabby Beck has a talent for making laugh even with just a look. She’s very funny and extremely kind. The most serious is probably JD Thumann. He is very funny during practice too but when it’s race time he gets serious.
VYPE: How do you mentally prepare yourself to compete?
KB: To mentally prepare for a competition I usually listen to angry music on the way to the meet. While I’m behind the blocks I try to get myself mad. I remind myself of how hard I worked for this and that I can do it, I just have to try.
VYPE: What do you love most about your teammates?
KB: I love that my teammates feel like family to me. They’re my closest friends and I know I can rely on them.
VYPE: What will life after high school look like for you?
KB: After high school, I want to go to college to swim and study to be a veterinarian.
VYPE: What or who inspires you?
KB: A big inspiration for me is Anna Young on Bartlesville High school. She’s an amazing swimmer with impressive times. When practice is hard, I just remember that this training will help me compete with her. Not only is she a great swimmer, she’s also a great person! Inspiring me to do my best, have fun, and be kind!
VYPE: What are you most proud of as a swimmer?
KB: I’m very proud to say I went a 58.84 in my 100 backstroke at state and broke our team record by almost 5 seconds!