Heritage Hall’s Jerrod Williams – Presented by Heritage Hall Touchdown Club

Athletes work hard and invest a lot of time in being the best that they can be when it comes time to compete. This work can lead to moments in their career, either on or off the field or court, that have a lasting impact on them. Jerrod Williams had a moment like this where he saw his hard work payoff.

“The highlight moment of my career is one getting my first division one offer,” he recalled. “That was a moment where I was shocked but excited at the same time because I didn’t know that they would come this early. The second is winning the state championship my freshman year and leading the team in tackles in the game.”

Williams is a junior at Heritage Hall, where he plays football and runs track. He also serves as a junior class officer.

There have been people throughout his life that have had an impact on Williams and helped shape him into the person that he is today. But he has a couple that have had the biggest impact.

“One of my biggest role models is my brother,” he said. “He is my role model because he has played at every level possible and he is one of the reasons why I love the sport so much. And my mom of course because she is the strongest woman I know.”

Brett Bogers is the head coach of the Heritage Hall football program and he says that Williams is an outstanding player with a bright future.

“Jerrod has started every game of his career at defensive back,” Borgers said. “He is a smooth shutdown corner with great speed and anticipation. He is dangerous in the air, and very good in run support. He started to break out on offense as a Soph and we only expect bigger things from him this fall. He has recently picked up offers from UTSA and Tulsa.”