Douglass High School’s Shannon Bailey – SNU Leadership Spotlight – Presented by Southern Nazarene University Educational Leadership

Current ninth grade administrator at Douglass High School, Shannon Bailey completed her master’s degree in Educational Leadership at Southern Nazarene University, which helped her prepare for the new position.

“The program prepared me for my new position, and I would not have this position without completing the MAEL program. Before I started, I did not have the confidence to believe in myself and or if I could successfully complete the program.

As I progressed through the courses, thanks to the support of the professors and my fellow cohorts my confidence significantly improved, and I now see myself as an educational leader who is ready to serve my community,” said Bailey.

Course structure and the people are just two things Bailey said she really enjoyed about the course at SNU.

“I enjoyed the support of the professors. The relationships I formed will continue to grow–even beyond the program. Course structure was fabulous! The courses move quickly, and the work is relative to the program and more than prepared me for my
new position,” said Bailey.

Bailey said the SNU MAEL program saved her career in education.

“If it weren’t for SNU, I would no longer be in education. I was burnt out. I was done. SNU was a God send! I also have a masters in curriculum and instruction. SNU is leaps and bounds beyond any other university,” said Bailey.

Bailey offered this advice to other professionals looking to extend their education and careers.
“I would strongly recommend potential students to not be afraid to think outside the box, accept feedback from the professors and fellow cohorts and stay on top of the coursework,” said Bailey.

Away from school, Bailey she when she has free time, she enjoys reading books on leadership and how to hone her skills so she can better serve the community she is leading.