Marshall Finishes Softball Career with Lions – Presented by HeyDay Fun Center

2023-24 was a fun year for Nichelle Marshall. It was her final year of high school after playing softball since the age of eight. The senior said she enjoyed playing this season and is thankful for the challenges that made her a better player. 

“This season was exciting yet very challenging,” said Marshall. “I feel like my defense was my most improved.” 

Being around her teammates and the bonds they share is what makes being a Lion special. 

“I love how my teammates are always so excited for me no matter how good I play. My favorite moment from the season is winning regionals and making it to state one last time,” said Marshall. 

The senior was also involved in National Honor Society and the Athletic Team Association.
Her next move is college where she will continue doing what she loves. 

“I would like to continue my career at OBU and become an occupational therapist,” said Marshall. 

As for the team she leaves behind, Marshall believes they are going to be young but good. 

“Next year the team is going to be very young but excited to learn and put a good foot forward. My message to my teammates is “put your all on the field at all times and play for each other,” said Marshall.